Drug and alcohol rehab experience and confessions
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  Drug rehab experience
Alcohol rehab experience  Alcohol rehab experience
Send us your experience of alcohol abuse! Read others confessions. Please be honest. All confessions are totally anonimous.

Ally's confession is moving-on story as she pushed her health and family to the edge with her narcotics abuse. She had strenght overcome her heroin addiction and work on the underlying issues that were fueling her drug addiction.

Confession of the mother of drug addicted son

Until then I knew nothing about the heroin!

The force does not help when you have a child who is a drug addict. The parent shall to try all possible ways to awaken in him feeling of love and tenderness because he knows that addicts of them have only one goal - to take drugs. I'm the mother of a young man who takes drugs. My son...


The first time I took heroin I was at age 13. I immediately injected it into the vein. I took a total of Heroin three years, with breaks in between. Before I tried Heroin, THC and alcohol. At age of 15, I completely stopped taking the heroin, but in the winter of 2003 I again took a...


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