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Drug rehab centers > Canada drugs and alcohol rehab centers > British Columbia, Canada drugs and alcohol rehab centers > Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver drugs and alcohol rehab centers > Kaiser Foundation, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Kaiser Foundation, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Rehab and treatment

Sponsored Sponsored

Kaiser Foundation

Primary Focus:

Services Provided: The mission of the Kaiser Foundation is to assist communities in preventing and reducing the harm associated with problem substance use and addictive behaviours by facilitating relationships and managing the flow of information between all parts of the addictions system.

Type of Care:

Street address:

British Columbia



Website: http://www.kaiserfoundation.ca/

Forms of Payment Accepted:

Payment Assistance:

Special Programs/Groups:

Email: info@kaiserfoundation.ca

If you're in doubt please few simple questions: Am I drug addict? or Do I have drinking problem?"