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Drug rehab centers > Canada drugs and alcohol rehab centers > British Columbia, Canada drugs and alcohol rehab centers > Canada - British Columbia - Surrey drugs and alcohol rehab centers > Lion Wellness Center Society, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Lion Wellness Center Society, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Rehab and treatment

Sponsored Sponsored

Lion Wellness Center Society

Primary Focus:

Services Provided: We do provide counselling but currently we do not have inpatient program services set up. The idea is that transitional housing is the bridge between treatment and independence.

Type of Care:

Street address:
Please call for locations
British Columbia

604 617 7763


Website: http://lionwellness.org/mission.html

Forms of Payment Accepted:

Payment Assistance:

Special Programs/Groups:

Email: dharbinder@hotmail.com

If you're in doubt please few simple questions: Am I drug addict? or Do I have drinking problem?"