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Drug rehab centers > Canada drugs and alcohol rehab centers > British Columbia, Canada drugs and alcohol rehab centers > Canada - British Columbia - Squamish drugs and alcohol rehab centers > Paradise Valley Wellness Centre, Squamish, British Columbia, Canada

Paradise Valley Wellness Centre, Squamish, British Columbia, Canada

Rehab and treatment

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Paradise Valley Wellness Centre

Primary Focus:

Services Provided: Paradise Valley Wellness Centre is an inpatient coed adult facility specializing in the treatment of addiction and trauma. The centre promotes balance and integration of mind body and spirit. Our clinical program involves a collaborative bio-psychosocial and spiritual assessment. Clients experience a high standard of care with highly trained and compassionate healthcare professionals committed to providing the safety and expertise needed to work on underlying issues. The Centre uses innovative evidence-based techniques and well-known established therapies. Treatment plans are customized to meet clients

If you're in doubt please few simple questions: Am I drug addict? or Do I have drinking problem?"