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Drug rehab centers > Canada drugs and alcohol rehab centers > British Columbia, Canada drugs and alcohol rehab centers > Canada - British Columbia - Chilliwack drugs and alcohol rehab centers > Tranquil Waters Addiction Treatment Services, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada

Tranquil Waters Addiction Treatment Services, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada

Rehab and treatment

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Tranquil Waters Addiction Treatment Services

Primary Focus:

Services Provided: Tranquil Waters is an upscale private residential treatment program for women that is located iin a 5000.00 sq ft heritage home on 2/3 acre in a quiet rural setting. We are moderately priced when compared to other high end treatment/recovery programs. Additionally our service is exclusive to women. Tranquil Waters Addiction Treatment Services is dedicated to providing education treatment and counselling to women and families affected by the disease of addiction through residential and nonresidential programs administered in a professional nonjudgmental supportive way that enables every committed client to return to a happy healthy productive lifestyle. We offer the following services:Minimum 3 Month residential treatment for alcohol drug and process addictions; minimum 3 Month non-residential day programming (Monday

If you're in doubt please few simple questions: Am I drug addict? or Do I have drinking problem?"